Wednesday, August 31, 2005 says EJ flooding; WWL reporter says western half dry

A reporter inteviewed on WWL-TV ( I can't read his name in the tiny little video box) reported dry conditions but a lot of obvious hurricane damage in the western end of East Jefferson Parish. The current NOLA.Com home page reports waters rising in East Jeff, so it's difficult to say what areas have water and which don't.

Posts on the reader blogs on the local news outlets reported dry conditions around Transcontinental.

The reporter cautioned that East Jeff had flooded on Monday, so people should not expect to find no water damage in their homes. Flooding was reported early Monday morning at East Jefferson Hospital. No reports have been posted I can find that indicate the source of East Jefferson flooding.

East Jefferson officials were building temporary dikes to try and contain the spill over from Lakeview at the I-10 turn threatening the eastern end of East Jefferson. The reports that I-10 at Causeway is being used as a temporary first aid station are not clear on whether there is dry land, or if they are using elevated portions of the interchange.

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